
September 2017

Dr. Rouge visited Joseph A Foran’s High School in Milford, CT to give a special lecture on Nanomaterials to the AP Chemistry and AP Biology classes.

August 2017

ACS SEED Program

Windham High School students Maiena Kheyabani and Zaret Rodriguez present their summer research on binary aptamers to the group during their end of summer presentation.

May 2017

UConn Early College Experience Workshop for High School Teachers

May 12th 2017 -UConn’s Early College experience (ECE) program high school teacher workshop.  The Rouge group opened its doors to local high school teachers to show simple experiments using nanomaterials that can be performed in high school class room settings.


May 2016

Girls Excelling in Math and Science Afer School Program (GEMS)

Lots of fun and learning was had at the Bethany Community School‘s  GEMS  program (GEMS – Girls Excelling in Math and Sciences).  GEMS gives young girls the chance to see techniques in science and encourage them in STEM related fields.




March 2016

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Nanomaterials Weekend Program

We had a great time this past weekend working with high school students participating in this year’s  CTY program, hosted by UCONN’s chemistry department.


Learning about gel electrophoresis and nanomaterials


Saketh sharing tips on loading the perfect gel


Learning how to characterize changes that occur at a nanomaterial’s surface when DNA is added.